Pinnacles National Monument, California, 1 April 2012 (no foolin’!)
Since I have numerous business blogs, I thought I’d use this space to share recent photos and close-up video of condors, once extremely endangered, but now beginning to flourish again, seen in early April 2012 at Pinnacles National Monument, in California. The time was 5pm, at the top of High Peaks Trail, and I turn to my wife,
kidding around as I usually do, “This is when they flew by last time [2010], so they should be arriving any moment …” and literally at that moment, with their signature whosh! sound preceeding their arrival, two consenting adults passed just over our heads, leaving us breathless, but inspiring this 28-second video (hosted by and then these pictures as they circled above.
I shared my excitement about the serindipity with a fellow hiker, who observed “Musta been quittin’ time at the ol’ Scavenger Cafe,” in his mock southern drawl.
Later, that same hike … the wildflowers jumped out at us, despite the lack of rain, signifying that Spring is indeed coming again this year, as promised in the brochure.
Condors on the Moon; spectacular!
What an awesome rendezvous it was, at the “Condor Cafe”, surrounded by wildflowers. Only wish my paint brush could have captured it!:-)
You’ll have to paint really fast!